Heavy Duty Construction Equipment Manufacturer
4101 Garland Dr., Fort Worth, TX 76117
MADE IN AMERICA - available at Dealers and Rental Stores in The USA and Canada

phone: (817) 485-6073
fax: (817) 428-6008
toll-free USA  & Canada
(800) 541-1797

  •   Load Sand & Gravel
  •  Do Jobsite Clean-Up
  •  Remove Snow
  •  Elevate Roof Gravel
  •  Handle Roof Tear-Off Trash
  •  Backfill Behind High Walls

    • Reaches where loaders can’t...
      Designed for extendable-reach forklifts, Star
      Forklift Buckets permit placement of material
      far beyond the reach of a loader.
    • Stop paying extra for a loader...
      The cost of a Star bucket is less than a two
      month loader rental.
    • Built to last as long as your forklift...
      Rugged heavy-duty construction ensures
      long life.
Forklift Bucket on the job

  1. Connects directly to the end of boom by means of the quick-tach thus providing a solid connection between the bucket and forklift. Specify forklift make and model when ordering QT buckets.
  2. Long forks are not a problem with the
    QT style because the forks and carriage are
    removed when the bucket is installed. Always
    choose the QT style bucket if the forks on your
    forklift are longer than 48”.

  3. More of the forklift’s capacity is free to lift heavier loads. Dropping the forks and carriage saves 700 to 1000 lbs.
"Slip -on-the-Forks"
  1. Universal Fit - can be used with any make and model of extendable-reach forklift that
    is equipped with standard 48” long forks. Bucket
    slides on the forks and is pinned behind the heel
    to secure it to the forklift.
  2. Forks and carriage stay on forklift,
    herefore they are less vulnerable to loss or
    damage. Quick to install.
  3. Deeper bucket carries irregular shaped loads easier. Because the bucket is substantially
    deeper, debris such as broken concrete,
    lumber scraps, and other trash stays in the bucket
    better. It also has greater capacity.

Heavy Duty Construction
● Hard carbon steel cutting blade on leading edge and sides
  ● Heavy 3/16" and 1/4" plate construction
    ●1/2" x 3" scuff bars protect bottom and extend bucket life

"Quick-Tach Style"
Quick-Tach forklift bucket
  •  Attaches directly to end of boom by means of
         forklift quick-tach.
  •  Available for most forklifts
  •   Bucket approx. 35" deep
QT Standard Bucket
High Back Bucket
High Capacity Bucket
"Slip-on-the-Forks Style"

Slip-on-the forks Bucket
Drawing of slip-on-the-forks hook up
  •   Accepts forks up to 7” wide X  48”
  •  Positive locking system keeps
         bucket secured to forks
  •  Bucket approx. 51" deep
Bolt-On Blade

Slip-On-the Forks Standard Bucket
Slip-on-the forks High Capacity Bucket
Model  Width ID Capacity Weight
1460  60"  0.80 yd³  ± 640 lbs.
     1460HB 60"  1.00 yd³   ± 770 lbs.
1472  72"  1.00 yd³   ±770 lbs. 
    1472HB 72"  1.25 yd³   ±925  lbs.
1496  95"  1.25 yd³   ±950  lbs.
    1496HB 95"  1.65 yd³   ±1050  lbs.
    1496HC 95"  2.00 yd³   ±1235 lbs.
Gehl Dynacarrier, JCB QFit and Pettibone quick-taches require HB or HC series buckets.

UNIVERSAL FIT (Slip-on-the-Forks) BUCKETS 
Model  Width ID Capacity Weight
1400B 60"  1.00 yd³ 600 lbs 
1406B 72"  1.20 yd³  670 lbs. 
1408B  95"  1.60 yd³  760 lbs. 
      1408BHC 95"  2.00 yd³  900 lbs. 
Fork Pocket Size: 48" long x 7¾" x 3" ID
Center to Center of Fork Pockets: 38"
Pocket Ends are closed